Pelvic Floor Therapy For Prolapsed Organs
What is organ prolapse?
Pelvic organ prolapse occurs due to weak pelvic tissues and pelvic floor muscles.The pelvic floor muscles are what hold up your pelvic organs. If these pelvic tissues become torn or stretched due to childbirth, chronic constipation, and/or other health issues, and if your pelvic floor muscles are weak, then your pelvic organs may begin to drop down into the vagina.
This condition can be very uncomfortable. Thankfully, Integrated Physical Therapy in McKinney provides pelvic floor therapy for our patients to provide relief. Contact our clinic today to learn more and schedule an appointment.
Signs of organ prolapse in women
There are several ways you can tell if you are dealing with an organ prolapse. Common symptoms are as follows:
- Feelings of ‘heaviness’ in the vagina
- Sensation of something descending in the vagina
- Pain during intercourse
- Problems emptying bladder and/or bowels
- Recurring urinary tract infections
- Noticing blood on your underwear when you are not menstruating
Some women find the only way they can relieve these symptoms is by lying down. If you’ve been struggling with these symptoms, Integrated Physical Therapy understands that you’re most likely feeling lost and frustrated. Our skilled therapists in McKinney specialize in organ prolapse and have knowledge of several therapeutic methods to help bring you relief.
How can pelvic floor therapy help with organ prolapse?
Did you know that pelvic floor rehabilitation is a common option with women who are experiencing an organ prolapse as a result of childbirth, constipation, and/or heavy weight lifting?
One of our licensed physical therapists at Integrated Physical Therapy will take a look at your medical history, and conduct a thorough examination to decide what type of treatment you’ll need.
This may include stretches, ultrasound therapy, manual therapy, and at home exercises to reduce pain and strengthen your pelvic muscles, depending on your condition.